Friday 27 August 2010

The craziness continues

So since I last posted, we've done Dallas (so to speak - not in the 'Debbie does it' kind of way), met a cowboy poet, recorded a song in Studio B in Nashville where Elvis recorded all of his Grammy Award-winning hits (I'll be storming up the charts soon, no doubt), lost one photographer (not by accident, he was flying home), gained a new one and have now wound up in Indianapolis.

This morning, through, we met a complete nutter. He was called Tom, and was convinced that he was one day going to turn the rusting hulk of what was once a plane into a house. This despite the fact that he's had it since 2003 and nothing much has happened. "We live in our imaginations," his slightly creepy non-paid work buddy Tim told us, with a strange high-pitched giggle. Too right you do mate. Let's not forget that this guy is working on a lot right in the middle of a military base, where just down the road is a rehabilitation centre for mentally damaged soldiers. Bound to be a bit of paranoia flying round there. Sure enough, after about five minutes, he said, "so there are 82 Sharia law courts in the UK now?" "Er, don't think so," I replied. "But they want Sharia law, don't they?" "Well, possibly, but there's a big difference between wanting something and getting it." "That's good," he muttered. Argh! As I said, a bit of a nutter.

But I warmed to him and his crazy ideas, and I wish him luck on his venture. I'd love to see a plane that was a house, mounted on a weathervane like he wants to do. I fear I never will, but I won't tell him that.

Then we got to Indianapolis. Petrol head city. Full of crazy drivers. One of the first we saw was a bloke reading the Koran, while talking on his cell phone...while driving. One side of his car was completely bashed in, perhaps not suprisingly. Then we saw a pimped up SUV with a sound system so loud the whole vehicle was actually shaking. Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

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