Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Dyed in the Red

Today I woke up to a state that is completely controlled by the Republican party. GOP candidates have taken all the major seats in Kansas, from the US Senate seat to the various house districts.
When I got to the University this morning, most of my colleagues were sunk into deep gloom at the news. Although, as one of them pointed out, at least now nobody can blame the Democrats when things go wrong. And we all took comfort from the fact that, while Kansas might now be dyed deep red, at least Sharron Angle, the Tea Party candidate in Nevada who referred darkly to citizens making use of their Second Amendment rights, wa beaten by Harry Reid, the longstanding Democratic incumbent.
Nevertheless, it seems strange, in a state that is largely blue collar, working class or agricultural, that so many people vote to the right. After all, the Democrats are ostensibly the party of this demographic, and their policies reflect the desire to help those less well off, with healthcare reform, tax cuts and so on.
But Kansans also like to be left alone, and don't like the thought of their actions being controlled by Washington, hence their love of 'no more big government'. As Sam Brownback, the new Republican governor of Kansas put it, "no more Obama way; now to the Kansan way" - whatever that means.
I've basically realised I can't talk about politics any more, unless I am in the liberal oasis of the KU environs. This was perfectly illustrated by a conversation with a friend the other evening, who describes himself as a "libertarian" and says that if government backed off, we'd all be in a better place.
The irony is, he works for the US Army, perhaps the biggest government-controlled machine out there. The base budget for defence spending in America currently stands at $533.8 billion. Adding spending on "overseas contingency operations" brings the sum to $663.8 billion. That's 19% of the entire federal budget. In fact, it's one of the biggest single expenditures of the US government. Surely reducing government involvement would have to involve cutting defence spending somehow - and then where would all these libertarians be?


  1. Lucy,
    I beg to differ with you Kansas has not always been a Blue state (Bob Dole) and everyone knows that universities for some reason bleed Blue and are safe havens for liberals of all kinds. It is also very common that in the liberal community they (Liberals) allot of times run to each other for fear of debate and dismiss anyone with opposing opinions.
    I have found myself in a very uncomfortable position as my place of employment has now weakened my argument for less Government as a Libertarian to some (Lucy). Those with opposite opinions will strategically throw it in my face as if I created the largest employer in America. So with two degrees and 10 years below me I should for the sake of argument find myself waiting tables so the Leftist Social Welfare types can just give it away to those wonderful programs like welfare were we have to pass laws so that a welfare recipients cannot use the funds provided for shelter and food are not gambled away at the local casino.
    Does this mean that I have to sacrifice myself to the political gods and dispose of my beliefs so that I can have an opinion based on my employer? To argue the point of how a Libertarian can work for the Government? My response would be how can you liberals create the largest employer in America and not expect me to work for them? I make a very good living based on what you Democrats and Republicans have done with this whole Civil Service/Gov. Contractor world. I myself make almost twice the national household average. How can you University Liberals not fight for cheaper education so that all can take part? If I am not mistaken the cost of education has increased faster than the cost of healthcare. My vote tells you were I am on the issue of large Government in the US and it clearly states that job protection is not my priority otherwise I would have voted Democrat.
    As far as this Libertarian is concerned if I was to lose my job due to the votes I placed yesterday I would find another job, I would create a small business, I would be responsible for my future. That would be the primary difference in core beliefs between myself and you otherwise I would have voted for those who put bread on my table.
    With all that said I love the fact that you wrote about me....and to be truly honest my Government position has recently started to really bother me based on my core values.

  2. Pity the 'Red' couldn't be contained to shoes in Kansas.

  3. Dont be so
