To Waldos Antiques, where the proprietor, David - or Dave as I now like to call him - has become my number one fan thanks to my English accent and knowledge of all things ancient. Never mind that the knowledge is confined to a hazy notion of what is Georgian and a knowledge of when said thing is, in fact, reproduction Georgian (determined largely by the price tag) - Dave is convinced by me. I've already bought a desk from him - reduced for me from $110 to $85.

We're furnishing our new house, you see - and although we have some basic furniture at our disposal it is lacking in a few elements. Today I spotted a couple of nice lamps and a beautiful (although, once more, repro) Georgian sideboard which would look just perfect in our new dining room.

Tomorrow we're going back to look at some side tables we spotted just as we were leaving. I foresee myself spending quite a lot of time with my new mate Dave.
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