Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Does anyone have any advice on moving country? I've suddenly realised how much we have to do, and how little time we have to do it. The shipping people may be booked and the storage people alerted, but I still have to decide what to take with me and what to leave behind - not to mention packing everything up in the meantime.

Unfortunately, moving across the world is a fairly big job. Which means that if I leave my favourite casserole dish behind by accident I can't just pick it up next time I come home - several months wait aside, it would probably add considerably to the weight of my luggage. The only thing to do, I have decided, is to make a list.

I love lists. The satisfaction of ticking things off as you get them done - the knowledge that everything you need to do is on there. Trouble is, this one keeps growing. Not only do I have to write up the aforementioned lists of things to take and leave behind (take best china, I have decided, leave telly behind - sadly - US voltage means it won't work anyway), but there is all the admin to get through as well. Changing ones address at the bank, for example, or diverting post, or arranging to pick up six months worth of contact lenses from the optician, or getting the cat jabbed so we can take him with us. Then there's the deep cleaners to book for the flat, our own cleaner to alert, and get the spare keys back from, telling the Inland Revenue I'm moving country, arranging to pay my tax return from a US bank account. The fact that Christmas is fast approaching and we have to do the rounds of parties, not to mention dual early celebrations at both parents houses (arrgh, I'm going to hate the sight of turkey come December 25th) and get seriously organised when it comes to present giving, doesn't make life any easier.

Honestly, I think I'd rather be packed up and shipped off myself. In a box, no-one to know I'm going, someone else can do all the admin. Any takers?


  1. You could take a leaf out of Liam's book and dump your stuff at a sister's and let her deal with shipping the rest of it to you or trying to find homes for everything! Glad you're able to take the cat though.

  2. Hi Lucy
    I just read about you on the Gorkana alert. I'm a freelance journalist who moved to the US with my family in May - I also have a blog and write quite a bit about my experiences as an Brit in the US so you might be interested to hear about some of them!
    I would say take more rather than less; the more you ship the cheaper it becomes, and I am always wondering where something is and then realising I didn't bring it. If you have any electrical items you really want you can buy a transformer - otherwise leave them behind.
    Any questions, contact me through my blog!
